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2021年10月26日 18:38:41 访问量:203

Unit 5 Look at me!

                                                         泰兴市老叶小学  叶忠华


    本单元教材以“Clothes”为主题,要求学生能熟练掌握和运用本单元所学的句词谈论衣物,并通过老师所创设的情境,学会使用Look at my…介绍自己的衣服并作出适当的评价,在此基础上,能对自己的学习进行自我评价。

教学内容:Unit 5 Look at me! (story time) 


知识目标:1.能准确认读新词:cap, T-shirt, skirt, coat, sweater, nice,great.

2.能了解和初步运用句型 Look at my…和服装类新词来展示自己的衣服,并会用It’s nice./How nice!/It’s great./Great.在适当



2.能认读和朗读story time部分的句子。




1.能正确认读单词 skirt  2.能使用所学谈论新衣。

教学准备:ppt, 学生自备所需的衣物 


Step1 Free talk

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Today, I’m new here. Can you introduce yourself to me ?

T: What’s your name?

S: I’m…

T: Are you…?

S: Yes, I am. /No, I’m not.

T: Who is your friend?

S: This is my friend. He/ She is…

T: Who is she?

S: He/ She is…


Step 2 pre-reading

1.Teach: Look at me. I’m… I’m happy.

T: Now, I know more about you . Do you want to know me?

Ss: Yes.

(PPT 出示我的照片)

T: Look at me. I’m Annie. I’m happy.Today, I’m happy, because you are so lovely. Are you happy today?

Ss: Yes.

T: Can you say like this? (do and say) :Look at me. I’m …I’m happy.Read after me: look at –look at me

Ss: read “Look at me.”

T: I’m happy. (do and say,做出开心的动作)

Ss: I’m happy.

T: Can you say like me? Look at me. I’m Annie. I’m happy.

S: Look at me. I’m…I’m happy. 


T: Today we are all happy. Look, our friend is coming too. Who is she? Guess.

S: She is Su Hai.

S: She is Yang Ling.

T: Look, she is Yang Ling. Look at Yang Ling. Is she happy? Why? What is

she doing?

S: Guess.


T: Listen! Yang Ling says “Look at me. I’m Yang Ling. I’m happy. Can you say like Yang Ling?

S: (do and say) Look at me. I’m Yang Ling. I’m happy.

3.Teach: cap, T-shirt, skirt, a nice…

T: (戴着帽子,模仿杨玲的动作) I’m Yang Ling. I have a cap. Look at my

cap. 指着帽子,It’s a cap. Read after me: cap

Ss: read cap

T: Look at my cap. 挥挥帽子。

Ss: read: Look at my cap.

T: Do you have a cap? Show me your cap.

S: Look at my cap.

T: It’s nice./How nice!

T: I have a cap. I have a T- shirt, too. Look at my T-shirt. (模仿杨玲),新授T-shirt.

Ss: read: T-shirt.

T: Can you show your T-shirt?

Ss: 自己模仿杨玲说: Look at my t-shirt.

T: 指着短裙Is this a t-shirt? Ss: No.

T: It’s a skirt.

Ss: read :skirt.

T: Look at the skirt. It’s nice. So it’s a nice skirt. 新授 a nice skirt.

Ss: Try to say: Look at my skirt, a nice skirt.


T: Look at Yang Ling. Today she wears nice clothes. Can you talk about Yang Ling’s clothes? If you are Yang Ling. What can you say?

S: 模仿Yang Ling,在游戏中练说:I’m Yang Ling. Look at my…, a nice…

5.Teach: It’s nice. How nice!

T: Yang Ling’s cap is nice. What can we say to Yang Ling?

S: 尝试自己说

TI think we can say: It’s nice.

Ss: read: It’s nice.

T: If you think the clothes is very nice. You can say: How nice!

Ss: read: How nice.

T: Now can you talk about the nice clothes with your deskmate?

Ss: pair work: A: Look at my…B: It’s nice./ How nice!


Step 3 while –reading


T: Look at Yang Ling. She is having a special show. Do you know what she  did before this show?

S: 猜可能做的事。

T: Let’s watch a cartoon and try to tell me what does Yang Ling do at home.


S: 在试穿衣服。

2.Listen and tick

T:What clothes does she wear? Let’s listen again and try to tick the right picture.

Ss: Listen and tick.

T: check


T: At home, Yang Ling tries on a cap, a T-shirt and a skirt. How does she talk about them?

Ss: read the sentences.

T: When can we use the sentence: Look at my…

S: 穿新衣服,参加聚会…..

T: Yang Ling likes her clothes very much. How about her mother? Does she like Yang Ling’s clothes? 出示图片。How do you know?

Ss: look at the pictures and try to say

T: What does her mother say? Try to underline the sentences and try to read.

Ss: Underline and read.

T: Mum says It’s great. What does great mean? Can you guess?

Ss: Guess the meaning.

4. watch and match

T: Now we knew what does Yang Ling do at home. Do you remember what do Yang Ling and her mother say? Let’s match.

Ss: watch and match

Step 4 post-reading

1.听句子,找出重读    2.再听检测重读

3.跟读      4.整体读     5. 分角色朗读

Step 5 consolidation

1.拓展:coat, sweater





Read story time 3 times



           Unit 5 Look at me!

      Look at my cap.       It’s nice.

T-shirt         How nice!

skirt          It’s great.

coat            Great!

sweater           …

                     Look at me!




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