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2018年11月27日 11:02:52 访问量:730

Unit7 At weekends

1. Learn vocabulary: weekends, chat on the Internet, fly a kite, go to the cinema, have a picnic, sometimes, with, often, visit, grandparents.

2. Learn the patterns: What do/does  at weekends? ..

3. Train Ss feel the different activities at different peoples weekends.




1. Learn vocabulary: weekends, chat on the Internet, fly a kite, go to the cinema, have a picnic, sometimes, with, often, visit, grandparents.

2. Learn the patterns: What do/does  at weekends? ..






Step1 Warming-up

Greetings and free talk.

Greetings and free talk.

Listen and write some words and sentences.

Listen and write some words and sentences.

Check the answers.

Check the answers.

Step2 Presentation

T: Look at the pictures, who are they? Please guess.

S: Mike, Helen, Su Hai and Su Yang.

T: What are they talking about? Please watch the cartoon.

Watch the cartoon.

Teach the new words: weekends, chat on the Internet, fly a kite, go to the cinema, have a picnic, sometimes, with, often, visit, grandparents

Learn the new words.

Ask, answer and fill the forms.

Ask, answer and fill.

Su Hai and Su Yang-visit grandparents, play with the cat Kitty, have dinner with grandparents   Mike-chat with grandparents on the Internet, play football with Liu Tao, go to the park with his family, fly a kite, have a picnic   Helen-has dancing lessons, go to the cinema with her friends

Teach: What do/does  at weekends?

Learn: What do/does  at weekends?

Read the new vocabulary.

Read the new vocabulary.

Listen to the tape and notice the pronunciations and intonations.

Listen to the tape and notice.

Read after the tape.

Read after the tape.

Try to read this story.

Try to read this story.

Choose one kind of reading and read in groups.

Choose one kind of reading and read in groups.


Try to read this story.

Try to read this story.

Read this story together.

Read this story together.

Act this story.

Act this story.

Read in roles.

Read in roles.

Step3 Consolidation

Make some dialogues: What do/does XX do at weekends? XX /s/es .

Make some dialogues: What do/does XX do at weekends? XX /s/es .

Step4 Homework

1. Write the new vocabulary.

2. Read, recite and act this story.



Unit7 At weekends

Su Hai and Su Yang- visit grandparents, play with the cat Kitty, have dinner with grandparents

Mike-chat with grandparents on the Internet, play football with Liu Tao, go to the park with his family, fly a kite, have a picnic

Helen-has dancing lessons, go to the cinema with her friends

cards, pictures, tape, recorder

杨菲(2018/12/28 14:11:58)


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殷明(2018/12/28 16:15:58)


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殷明(2018/12/28 16:15:58)


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叶忠华(2019/1/3 9:42:44)


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