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2021年12月02日 08:16:41 访问量:244

Unit7 How much?


 4 课时



1 .能听懂、会读、会说、会写和会运用词汇shoes ,socks ,umbrella, fan, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty ,how much , her , tail ,long, well done

2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写和会运用日常用语Can I help you ? How much is it /are they? It’s/ They’re … yuan. Well done .

3. 会说歌曲<The clothes shop>

4. 能正确听读、辨认辅音字母v在单词中的发音。

5. 能运用本单元日常交际用语进行购物。



1. 能初步听懂、会读、会说和会运用词汇shoes ,socks ,umbrella,  twenty,how much , well done

2. 能初步听懂、会读、会说和会运用日常用语Can I help you ? How much is it /are they? It’s/ They’re … yuan. Well done .

3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。

4. 能初步运用本课所学日常交际用语进行购物。

5. 让学生通过义卖活动学会献爱心。




2. 能初步运用本课所学日常交际用语进行购物。
























































































Step1 Warm up

1. Review numbers

  Show some clocks and telephone numbers. Then ask the students to say the numbers.

 T: We can use numbers to say the time. We can use them to say the phone numbers. What else can we do? Today we will use numbers again. We can use them to buy things.(揭题)

2. Number games (接龙游戏)  Play the game in groups

3. Review the words about clothes

T: I like shopping. I often buy clothes. What kind of clothes do you know?

Ask the students to say the words about clothes.

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. Play a role and teacher the new sentences

The teacher acts as a guest, one student acts as a shop assistant.

T: I’d like a glass of milk and a sandwich.

S1: OK. Anything else?

T: No, thanks. How much are they/ is it?

S: …yuan. 引导学生回答:It’s /They’re… yuan.

新授:How much are they/ is it? It’s /They’re… yuan.


T: How much is it?

S1: It’s … yuan.

2. Give the menu and price


T:I’d like some noodles. How much is it?

Ss: It’s fifteen yuan.

T: I’d like two hamburgers and a cup of coffee. How much are they?

Ss: They’re forty yuan.

3. Show the menu on PPT, ask the students make dialogues in pairs.

S1: I’d like a hamburger and a glass of juice? How much are they/is it?

S2: They’re / It’s …yuan.

Step1 Warm up

1. Review numbers

  Show some clocks and telephone numbers. Then ask the students to say the numbers.

 T: We can use numbers to say the time. We can use them to say the phone numbers. What else can we do? Today we will use numbers again. We can use them to buy things.(揭题)

2. Number games (接龙游戏)

Play the game in groups

3. Review the words about clothes

T: I like shopping. I often buy clothes. What kind of clothes do you know?

Ask the students to say the words about clothes.


Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. Play a role and teacher the new sentences

The teacher acts as a guest, one student acts as a shop assistant.

T: I’d like a glass of milk and a sandwich.

S1: OK. Anything else?

T: No, thanks. How much are they/ is it?

S: …yuan. 引导学生回答:It’s /They’re… yuan.

新授:How much are they/ is it? It’s /They’re… yuan.


T: How much is it?

S1: It’s … yuan.

2. Give the menu and price


T:I’d like some noodles. How much is it?

Ss: It’s fifteen yuan.

T: I’d like two hamburgers and a cup of coffee. How much are they?

Ss: They’re forty yuan.

3. Show the menu on PPT, ask the students make dialogues in pairs.

S1: I’d like a hamburger and a glass of juice? How much are they/is it?

S2: They’re / It’s …yuan.

and Miss Li.

T: Yes, today Su Hai and Su Yang are not students. They’re shop assistant(让学生自己说出营业员). How do you know?

引导学生自己说出购物的句型: Can I help you?

2. Read and find out the price 自读课文,找到每件物品的价格

PPT 显示物品,让学生填上价格

Check out the answers

T: How do you know? 引导学生找到书上原句

3.  Read the sentences in role, then ask and answer

T: How much are the shoes? 新授shoes

Ss: They’re five yuan.

T: How much are the socks? 新授socks

Ss: They’re four yuan.

T: How much is the umbrella?新授umbrella

Ss: It’s 19 yuan.

 T: How much are they?

Ss: They’re twenty- eight yuan.























初        备


Step 4 Consolidation

1. Read the text after the tape

2. Read the text in groups

3. Act in role


a. 在教室布置四个商店,分别是食品、服饰、文具和玩具商店,学生分为营业员及顾客小组。

b. 在相同时间内进行买卖,买到最多东西,及卖到最多物品者获胜。

S1: Hello. Can I help you?

S2: I’d like … How much is it?

S1: It’s … yuan.

S2: Here you are.

S1: Thank you. Can I help you?

S3: I’d like … How much are they?

S1: They’re … yuan.





1. Copy the new words two times then remember them.

2. Read and recite Story time after class.



Unit 7 How much?

Can I help you?           How much…?

I’d like ….             It’s / They’re … yuan.

shoes                     five yuan

socks                     four yuan

umbrella                  nineteen yuan


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