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2017年秋学期四年级集体备课Unit 7 How much?

2017年12月12日 15:02:48 访问量:905 作者:殷明
                                     Unit 7 How much?(period1)

Teaching aims and learning objectives  教学目标

1. 能听懂会读会说 shoessocksumbrellafantwentythirtyfortyfifty

2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语Can I help you?How much is it/are they?It’s/They’re ... yuan.Well done

3. 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述并表演课文

4. 理解慈善义卖的意义,初步运用所学单词和日常用语进行义卖活动 

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty  教学重点和难点



Teaching procedures  教学过程

Enjoy a song<How much?>

Step 1 Greeting & Warm up

1. Greeting

T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello, 

2.T: What song is it? Its< how much>. Today we will learn Unit 7 How much? (揭示课题Unit 7 How much?并带读)

3.T:First, lets enjoy some pictures. They are charity sale. The sale is for love. They sell things, and raise the money for poor people. Are you interested in them? Well have a charity sale today.(出示一些义卖的图片给学生欣赏。)

【设计意图:以歌曲的形式引入并教学单词,激发学生的学习兴趣。引出课题How much?”。

Step 2 Presentation

1.T: How to be a good charity volunteer? First, we should prepare some nice things.

T: Look! I have some nice things for the sale: a skirt, a toy, a ball, socks, shoes and some books. (板书: socks, shoes)

(1)T: What would you like?

S: I’d like a 

T: How much is it? Guess!(板书How much is it?并带读)

S: It’s  yuan. (板书It’s  yuan并带读)

(2)T: Look at the shoes. They are very nice. How much are they? (板书How much are they ?并带读)

S: They’re  yuan. (板书They’re  yuan.并带读)

T: Let’s guess the price. Ask and answer in pairs. Use these sentences: How much is it/are they? It’s /They’re  yuan.


【设计意图:介绍慈善义卖的概念。通过设置情境渗透句型How much is it/are they?It’s/They’re  yuan帮助学生理解,由此进入Story time的学习。】

Step 3 Story time

1. Look and say.

T: I want to make a charity sale. How to sale? Su Hai and Su Yang make a model for us. What do they have?

S: There is 

T: Yes, there is a fan and an umbrella. (板书a fanan umbrella并带读)

2. Watch and choose.

T: Look! Liu Tao, Yang Ling and Mike are coming. They want to buy things. What do they buy? Let’s watch and choose. (播放课文动画)

T: What would Liu Tao/Yang Ling/Mike like?

S: He/She would like 

T: Good job!

3. Read and write

T: How much are these things? Please open your books and read the story. Try to write down the prices. (学生自读课文,在练习纸上填空)

T: How much is the fan/umbrella? How much are the shoes?

S: It’s/They’re  yuan.

T: How much are they?

S: They’re 28. (带读twenty-eight.)

T: Su Hai and Su Yang got 28 yuan. What does Miss Li say?

S: Well done! (带读Well done!)

T: What else can Miss Li say?

S: Good job!/Great! 


Step 4 Read the story

1. Listen and read. (听录音读)

2. Read in different ways.(小组内选择喜欢的方式读。)

3Act in groups. (23组学生上台表演)


Step 5 Let’s Summarize.

T: Now we know how to sell and how to buy things.


Step 6 Consolidation

T: Its time for us. Today let’s make a charity sale here. Look! I have some toys. Do you like them? (教师出示实物)

S: Yes.

T: Who wants to come here and buy them? ( 请一位同学上台和老师合作表演)

T: Can I help you?

S: Yes, I’d like …How much is it?

T: It’s  yuan.

S: OK. Here you are.

T: Thanks. Anything else?

S: The …are very nice/cool…How much are they?

T: They’re  yuan.

T: Let’s have a charity sale. Practice in groups.(教师提前准备好物品和钱的图片给学生表演。)


T: Boys and girls, we buy some things at the charity sale. We are so happy. Let’s share the happiness and love. Because your love will light up the whole world.


Homework  家庭作业

1. 听磁带,跟读课文

2. 和同学们表演课文对话

Teaching aids  教学准备含板书设计




叶忠华:殷老师执教的4A Unit7 How much?这个单元的二三两课时。总体来说,上得很生动活泼、参与度非常高,孩子们很乐于表现,表演灵活有趣,让人赞叹。让我受益匪浅。老师整节课课型明确,结构清晰,层次分明,课堂调动了每一个学生的参与热情,体现了学生的主体地位,学生的语言输出较多。导入自然,各个环节间过渡自然,紧密相扣。新旧知识衔接处理妥当。

陈芗:建议在将单词放在文本中教授,让学生在文本中理解,做到词不离句。对文本的解读借鉴了绘本教学的模式,通过让学生阅读图片,找出相关信息。文本处理中,采用look and say, read and match,处理文本细节。在操练文本时,采用imitate, read in roles,retell,act等方法。老师让学生自己先朗读再和录音比较,这个处理方式还有待商榷。表演时由于人物过多,造成人物混乱,因而可以在表演时让学生带好头饰或贴好名字。



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