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2017年秋学期三年级集体备课Unit 5 Look at me!

2017年11月14日 15:27:40 访问量:913 作者:殷明

Unit5 Look at me(period 2)



1.能听懂、会说Look at…并会用It’s nice  / How nice.  / It’s great. / Great! 表达赞美、感叹之意。

2.学生能听懂、会说、会读skirt cap t-shirt.


能听懂、会说Look at…并会用It’s nice  / How nice.  / It’s great. / Great! 表达赞美、感叹之意。


能听懂、会说Look at…并会用It’s nice  / How nice.  / It’s great. / Great! 表达赞美、感叹之意。



2.Unit5 中所有单词卡片。

3.两人一份Lily或Tom 的图片。彩色卡纸若干。


.warm up

Ask and answer

S1: Hello, look at my…

S2: It’s nice./ How nice.../ It’s great. / Great.

.Review/ Presentation

1, Review the words and the sentences learned last lesson.

T: In story time, you know yang ling is going to a fashion show. She tries on some nice clothes. What clothes does she try on?

(Review the words: T-shirt skirt cap)

T: What does yang ling say?

What does mum say?

(Review the sentences)

2, Act the dialogue.

Step2: Play a game

1. Look at yang ling’s wardrobe. There are some other clothers in it. What else is in the wardrobe? Can you guess? Look!

2. Learn the new word jacket.

3. Show all the new words in unit5: a cap  a jacket  a skirt  a T-shirt

4. Magic eyes: Show a part of the clothes , then the students guess

Play a game: finding friends.

1. Take out the paper, read the words in group of four.

2. Listen to the orders and if you have it please stand up and read it loudly.

Step3: Say a rhyme

1. Se all know Yang Ling has many nice clothes. Now, she is saying a rhyme. Let’s listen to her.

2. Listen to the rhyme.

3. Try to read the rhyme by yourselves. If you have any questions, you may put up your hands and ask for some help.

Learn the new words: new clothes, they all look great.

Listen again, try to follow it.

Say the rhyme and action.(跟随教师做相应的动作,每组一句分组表演)

Work in group.

.Practice extension

Make clothes

1. This is lily. She’s not happy. She doesn’t have nice clothes. She wants go to the fashion show, too.

Now , let’s try to make clothes for lily.


(1)cut down a…

 (2) Draw some flowers.

 (3)Stick the skirt on the picture.

Lily is happy. She has a nice skirt. She may say…

2. Make clothes for Lily and Tom.


3. Talk about your clothes.

Look at my…

It’s nice./ How nice./ It’s great./ Great.



1. Listen to the tape.

2. Read after the tape.



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