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2017年秋学期三年级集体备课Unit 5 Look at me!

2017年11月14日 15:22:36 访问量:1989 作者:殷明

Unit 5  Look at me!(Period 1)


一、教学内容: Unit 5  Story time



1. 能听懂、会读、会说T-shirt, skirt, cap

2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语Look at my Its nice! Its great. Look at me! Great!

3. 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。





1能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语Look at my Its nice! Its great. Look at me! Great!





1. 板书课题:Unit 5 Look at me

2. 游戏用的盒子、小包、衣服,本课单词及板书的卡片,表演用的衣服和头饰。


Step1 Warm up

1. Free talk

T: Good morning/afternoon,

S1: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Jin.

T: Who wants to introduce yourself and your friend? You may say  Hello, Im  Look, hes/shes my friend…” 

S: (Introduce).

Step2  Presentation

1. Play a game and learn the new words

T: You speak good English. Now, look. I have a box. Is it nice?

S: Yes.

T: Yes, a nice box. Whats in the box? Lets open it. Oh, three bags. Are they nice,too?

S: Yes.

T: You may say nice.(做动作带读nice)

Look at this white bag. Whats in the bag? (拿出包里的T)

A T-shirt

TLook at the T-shirt.

S: (引导学生说)Its nice!

T: Look at this blue bag. Whats in it?  Look, a T-shirt?(用手把裙子抓成一团)

No, a skirt.

Look at this skirt.

S: Its nice!(带读Its nice.)

T: Heres a yellow bag. Whats in it? (引导学生猜一猜)

SA T-shirt / skirt?

T: Look, its a cap

T: Look at the cap.

S: Its nice!

3.Talk about Ss clothes

T: The skirt, the T-shirt and the cap are all nice. Do you have nice clothes?

S: Yes.

T :Who can show us? You can say Look at my……(出示并带读句型)

S: Look at my T-shirt.

T: Nice!

S: Look at my skirt.

T: Great! Do you know “great? It means very nice.  

S: Look at my…

Ss: Its nice! Its great!(多请几位学生评价)

Step 3 Look, read and learn

1. Talk about the picture

T: We have nice clothes. How about this girl? Whos she?

S: Yang Ling.

T: Whos the woman?

S: Yang Lings mother.

T: Yang Ling Looks happy. Shes going to a fashion show. So shes trying on nice clothes. What clothes is she trying on? Lets watch the cartoon and tick the right picture on the paper.

2. Watch the cartoon.

T: What clothes is she trying on?

S: A skirt, a T-shirt and a cap.

T: Are they nice?

S: Yes.

T: Mum is praising her. How does Mum praise? Lets watch the cartoon again. Try to remember what Mum says.

3.Watch the cartoon again and get to know Mum praises.

T: What does Mum say? Please tell your partner first.

1) Talk in pairs.

2) T: How does Mum praises her T-shirt?

S: Its nice.

T: How does she praise her skirt?

S: How nice!

T: (板书并带读) How nice!

TWhat does she say about her cap?

SIts great.

T: At last , Yang Ling is very happy. She says this sentence. Can you read it?

T: What does Mum say at last?

S: Great!

T: Yes. Now ,do you know how to praise?(PPT 出示Learning tip)

T: When we want to praise, we can say

4. Read the dialogue

1) Read after the tape

2)Open the books and read after the teacher

3 Read by themselves.

4)  Read in group  (Half of the Ss Play Yang Ling, and other play Mum)

5)  (T-Ss示范表演) TNow , Ill be Yang Ling. Can you act as Mum?

6)  Act in pairs.

7)  Act out




七、 板书设计 

评课:叶忠华: 这一堂课清晰实在,句型练习扎实。优点有歌曲导入,充分调动起学生兴趣。良好的开头对一堂课的成功与否,起着关键的作用。本堂课一开始,教师就用歌曲导入新课,使学生的注意力在最短的时间里被激活,而且很自然的导入此堂课。


殷明:1. 教学活动的设计丰富多彩。训练方式多样,有全班活动,师生互动,小组活动,个人活动等,在活动中突破难点,在活动中发展能力。2. 创造性地设计了一个贴近学生实际的教学活动-——“做一做,玩一玩,说一说”。吸引和组织他们积极参与。







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