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2024年03月26日 21:42:08 访问量:54 作者:张琳


    2024326 地点 二楼办公室

   张琳 主备教师 张琳 记录人 叶忠华

参与人员 张琳  叶忠华  于蒙  丁丽丽 

此后一周教学内容 6B Unit4 Road safety

(Fun time,Sound time,Culture time ,Cartoon time,Checkout time)

本次集体备课内容 6B Unit4 Road safety  (story time )   



第三单元主题为“A healthy diet”,这一话题贴近我们的生活实际,我们需要关注合理健康的饮食。在创设教学活动主题情境时,没有另辟蹊径,而是既将“健康饮食”作为育人目标,也将其作为主情境开展教学活动。本单元各课时的话题和语境分别确定为:Mike’s and Yang’s diets、Our diets、Three meals a day、Develop a good eating habit。每一课时均秉持英语学习活动观的理念,设计由浅入深、螺旋递进、形式多样的教学活动,使学生获得丰富、正向的情感体验,成为积极主动的主题意义探究者和建构者。



2.本单元的目标词汇是表示数量的a lot of, some, a little和 a few。综合以前学过的much, many ,any等词汇和there be句型,设计操练活动,帮助学生更好的理解和掌握这些词的用法以及与可数名词和不可数名词的搭配。



1.在相关的语法小练习中,还有部分学生对a lot of, some, a little和 a few的用法掌握困难,主要是具体运用这些表示数量的短语时容易混淆,并且无法正确使用可数名词和不可数名词,针对这一情况,应设计一些专项的小练习(如:单词的适当形式填空等)加强巩固练习。

2.为了发挥学生间信息沟的作用,或为了学生写作时更顺利,可以让学生在写作前说一说自己diet以及是否healthy,同时一起构建word bank.








1. “行路安全”这一话题贴合学生的生活实际,也是非常重要的一个内容。学生对过马路的交通规则、红绿灯等的具体含义以及车辆的行驶规则已有一定的知识经验基础。

2. 本课所重点学习的情态动词must及其否定形式mustnt可以结合六年级上册Unit5,Unit6,Unit7中的can/should等情态动词来进行关于规定和规则的表达。


1. 在情景中整体理解Story time的内容。

2. 在 Story time 的学习过程中掌握有关道路交通方面的新词 road, light, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rules, follow,体会情态动词must及其否定must not 的用法,并能简单区分形容词safe,名词safety及副词safely的不同。

3. 能用正确的语音语调朗读Story time。

4. 能理解道路安全知识,尝试用英语说说道路交通规则。

5. 能牢记过马路的交通规则,树立安全意识。



1. 能理解道路安全知识,尝试用英语说说道路交通规则。

2. 在 Story time 的学习过程中掌握有关道路交通方面的新词 road, light, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rules, follow,must,safety,safely。

3. 体会情态动词must及其否定must not 的用法,并能简单区分形容词safe,名词safety及副词safely的不同。


突破方法:任务驱动法、 讨论法、小组合作法



Step 1  Warming-up

T: We can see many beautiful roads in Jiangsu. (挑出交通比较繁忙的几张图片。)

T: But some of the roads are very busy. We should pay more attention to the road safety. So today we are going to learn Unit 4 Road safety

Step 2 Presentation

1 Look and match

T:Look, I have some pictures about roads.

First, tell me what  you can see in the  first two pictures.


 Present a zebra crossingtraffic lights the red man  and the green man
Present “pavement

T:  Okay, I have three groups of pictures and three sentences. Please look at the pictures and try to match.


(1) How to cross the road safely when there isn't a zebra crossing?

(2)How to cross the road safely when there is a zebra crossing?

(3)What mustn't we do on the road? 

(通过问题教学cross   safely    mustnt核对答案后呈现课文旁边的learning tips: The pictures can help you understand the text.)

2 Learn the first Part

1Q: How to cross the roads safely when there is a zebra crossing?


First, we must look for                    .

Next, we must look at                      .

Then, we must wait for                      .

T: Let’s watch and fill in the blanks.(看视频片段,并完成,)

Check the answers.


T: Lookit’s the red man. What does the policeman say? 呈现出回答句型: Can you see the red man? You            cross the road now.


S: You     mustn't       cross the road now.

T: Yes. That means we must          and          .(课件呈现这句话,填空)

Swe must   stop       and   wait       .


T: Lookit’s the green man now. What does the policeman say? 呈现出回答句型: Look, here’s the green man.You            cross the road now.


S: You    can      cross the road now.

T: Yes. That means we can         .(课件呈现这句话,填空)

SWe can   go      .

(2) Listen and repeat

3 Learn the second part.

(1)Work in four(课件呈现第二组图片)

T: Is there a zebra crossing?

S: No, there isn’t.

T:  How to cross the roads safely when there isnt a zebra crossing?

Work in four, learn in groups.

a. Read in groups .

b. Try to order the key sentences.






(2)Check the answers.

Presentwait on the pavement       look out for

         Look left, then right and left again

         with other people (回到书上配图)

(3) Listen and repeat

4 Learn the third part

(1) Look and say

T: Look at the picture,  what are the children doing now?

S: They are running, playing football and skating.

T: Are they safe on the road when they are doing these?

S: No.

T: So they          play on the road.






(2)Listen and repeat


Step 3 Consolidation

1 Summary


T: Boys and girls, today we learn a lot about “How to cross the road?” Look, these are rules. We must follow the rules and stay safe on the road.

Present the main idea of this lesson.


2 Discuss

T: Look, they are some other pictures about the people on the road.

Word in four and discuss:

Are they safe on the road? What must they do ? What mustn’t they do?


3 Finish the exercise “Think and write” on page 38. And check the answers.


Step 4 Homework

1. Read the Story time fluently and try to recite.

2. Collect more rules about “Road Safety.”

3. Practise Exercise 2 on page 38 with partners.





Unit 4 Road Safety

Rule 1:We must look for a  ...and look at the ...

Rule 2:We can wait on the ... and look out for ...

We can also cross the road with.. .

Please remember:

Rule 3:We must not ...or... on the road.



  • 附件(1个)
  • 2024年春学期英语集体备课四(初稿)6BU4 张琳.docx (35kb) 下载

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