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2016年09月12日 12:34:37 访问量:756 作者:叶忠华


Unit1 ( Cartoon time & Culture time )








 1. 能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:really, then, find, their

2. 能够流利地表达There is … There are…的意思;

3. 能够理解并掌握There are 句型的否定句式There arent any

4 能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语:Really?

5. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话;







2.学生准备:提前预习Cartoon time和搜集Culture time资讯



Step 1. Warming up/Revision

1. T-S greetings

2. T: First, lets play a game. The game is called Yes or No. Now you will see some sentences on the screen. Read and try to judge. If it is right, you may say Yes, yes, yes! If it is wrong, you may say No, no, no! 学生试说2遍。Say loudly and quickly, please. Ready? Go!

1) There are 55 students in your class.

2) There are a lot of books in your bag.

3) There is a beautiful teacher in front of you.

4) There is a TV in this classroom.

T: OK. There isnt a TV in this classroom, then, whats in this classroom? Lets play another game named ‘ 1 minute  non  stop  talk. We will have a competition between boys and girls. Now each of your team has one minute. Please try to say the things in the classroom as many as possible. You should use There is / are …’. Lets see who can win. 教师在黑板上示意比赛规则。男女生分别在1分钟内用There be句型说出教室里的物品,说得又对又多的胜利。教师给予评价。


Step 2. Prestation

T: You see, there are many things in our classroom. Do you like having lessons in this room?  Ss: Yes.

T: Im happy to hear that. Now look at this picture. Whats in this picture?  Ss: There are two mice.

T: Who are they?  S: Theyre Bobby and Tina.

T: Yes. What else? Whats in this room?

S: There is a sofa / book

S: There are some

T: Who are reading the book?  Ss: Tina.

T: This is Bobbys house. Theyre in the sitting room now. Look at Bobby. Is he happySs: No.

T: No, hes kind of hungry, I think. How do I know? Because he says: 引导学生回答Im  hungry. Can Tina help him? Lets listen.

(出音频You can have some cakes. There are some in the kitchen.) So, can Tina help Bobby?  

Ss: Yes, she can.

T: What does Tina say? Lets listen again. Who can have a try?    S

T: Lets try together. 教师指导朗读。

T: So Bobby goes to the kitchen and try to find some cakes, but can he find any cakes there? Lets watch the cartoon. 集体看卡通。

T: OK. Can Bobby find the cakes in the fridge?

Ss: No, he cant.

T: What does Bobby say? Listen. (出音频:There arent any cakes here. 教师板书句型,带读3遍)

1. Where are the cakes then? Open your books, read the story by yourselves and try to find the answer. 学生自读故事找出答案。

S: Tina and Bobbys cousin eats the cakes.

T: Thats right! The cakes are in their cousins mouth. Look at Picture4. Tina is very surprised, so she says Here are the cakes! Who can be Tina?

指导学生模仿Tina 说一说句子。

1. T: Look at Bobby and his cousin. How do they feel? Can you fill in the blanks?

Bobbys cousin is ___________. Bobby is ________. Guess. What are they saying? You can talk about it in pairs. 同桌间猜测他们会说些什么。

T: Well, if you were Bobby, what would you say? And how about the cousin? 引导学生揣摩不同卡通人物的心理和语言。


1. T: This time, lets read the story after the computer together. 跟电脑一句句齐读。

2. T: Please read loudly by yourselves. 大声自读。

3. T: This time, Id like to be Tina, boys, you could be Bobby, and girls, youre the narrator. OK? (师生间分角色朗读对话)

4. Read in roles. 学生间分角色朗读。

1. 师生间示范表演故事。可以请一位学生扮演cousin,运用之前创编的故事结尾使表演更完整。

2. T: Now please act the story in groups.

3. Act


Step 3. Consolidation

T: Look, Bobbys cousin eats so many cakes. Now hes very thirsty, I think. Heres a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, and a glass of juice. Which one would he like? Guess. 学生猜一猜。

T: I guess hed like a glass of juice. Look at the coffee and the tea. Maybe our parents like them. Which is popular in China, coffee or tea?

Ss: Tea.

T: Yes. Follow me: Tea is popular in China. How about coffee? Oh, coffee is popular in Western countries. (Teach: popular, China, Western countries)

T: Different food and drinks are popular in different countries. Now lets talk about more popular food and drinks in China and in Western countries. For example, noodles are popular in China, and hamburgers are popular in Western countries. Can you say something more? You may discuss in pairs first. 学生同桌间讨论并汇报:

____________ is popular in China, and _______ is popular in Western countries. 教师反馈。

T: All of you did a good job. I have a video about popular food and drinks in China and Western countries. Shall we watch together?  Ss: OK.



T: Lets enjoy different food and drinks. Lets enjoy our wonderful lives.

Step 4. Homework

1. Read and act Cartoon time.

2. Dub for the story.

3. Take a picture or draw one about your favorite room in your house




Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears  ( Cartoon time & Culture time)









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