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陈芗Unit 3 our animal friends

2017年10月10日 14:09:04 访问量:701

Unit3 Our animal friends

1. Learn the vocabulary: animal, leg, body, arm, other, tail, wing.

2. Learn the patterns: I have animal friends. It’s/They’re …. It/They can .... It has/They have ….

3. Train Ss can feel the great fun of the animal friends.




1. Learn the vocabulary: animal, leg, body, arm, other, tail, wing.

2. Learn the patterns: I have animal friends. It’s/They’re …. It/They can .... It has/They have ….






Step1 Warming-up

Greetings and free talk.

Greetings and free talk.

Describe the classroom and our school correctly.

Describe the classroom and our school correctly.

Listen and write some sentences.

Listen and write.

Check the answers.

Check the answers.

Step2 Presentation

T: Look at me, what’s this?

S: It’s a mouth.

T: This is my body, these are my arms.


Teach the new words: body, arms

Learn the new words.

T: Please introduce your body and arms.

Introduce bodies and arms.

Teach the other words by the same way: leg-legs, tail, wing-wings

Learn the other words by the same way.

T: Please introduce yourself each other.

Introduce each other.

T: Let’s watch the cartoon, please.

Watch the cartoon.

Ask and answer, then fill the forms:

Ask, answer and fill.

Nancy-red, black-big eyes and bodies-no legs or arms-big tails-swimMike-white-four legs, a short tail-big ears-run and jumpLiu Tao-white-red eyes, long ears-four legs, a short tail-runSu Hai-yellow and green-two legs and wings-a big mouth, a long tail-talk and fly

Listen to the tape and notice the pronunciations and intonations.

Listen and notice.

Read after the tape.

Read after the tape.


Try to read this story.

Try to read this story.

Choose one kind of reading and read in groups.

Choose one kind of reading and read in groups.

Read this story together.

Read this story together.

Read this story in roles.

Read this story in roles.

Act this story.

Act this story.

Step3 Consolidation

Teach the words about the singular and plural variants: arm-arms, leg-legs, tail-tails, wing-wings, body-bodies()

Learn the words about the singular and plural variants

Teach the verb tense forms: I/They have …. It has …. (notice: have-has)

Learn the verb tense forms

(notice: have-has)

Make some dialogues: I have … animal friend(s). They …. It ….

Make some dialogues.

Step4 Homework

1. Write the new vocabulary.

2. Read, recite and act this story, then introduce the animal friends.



Unit3 Our animal friends

I have …

They have ….

It has ….

body      arm     leg      tail      wing

bodies     arms    legs     tails     wings

cards, pictures, tape, recorder



殷明(2017/10/17 14:53:25)


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叶忠华(2017/10/18 8:35:01)

建议:加强对本课的重点句型It has...It can...以及One...,the other...的铺垫引入,巩固环节可设计一些说、写活动,让多数学生能跳一跳能够摘到桃子。

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