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2022年05月27日 12:06:06 访问量:546














4B Unit8 How are you?(period 1-2)


4B Unit8 How are you?(story time)



本单元的核心教学内容是询问别人身体状况如何。story time作为第一课时教授重点句型What’s the matter? I’m …结合单词hungry,thirsty,tired,ill及句型Come and have…/ I want to…/ Can I have some…。在Free talk利用头脑风暴的环节复习食物类单词,为接下来的课做铺垫。通过食物类单词引出hungry这个单词,再通过食物和hungry引出句型Can I have some…?让学生们通过想象训练这个新句型。在学生们说的过程中随时给予礼物奖励,激发学生的学习积极性。随后进入的是Story部分的对话教学。


答涛涛怎么了,学习thirsty这个单词,同事利用Let’s imagine来复习Can I have some…这个句型。随后学习后半部分,学习ill和tired这两个单词,由于发音较为容易,因此补充了一些新的单词。第二步是读课文,阅读课文采用跟读,小组分角色读,及个别小组表演的方式对对话进行反复的巩固。本节课学生了解到了涛涛父母对涛涛的爱,因此在练习的环节我设计了换位思考,假如妈妈生病了,涛涛会怎么做,让学生自编对话,然后让学生一起来看涛涛是怎么做的,做听力练习,然后又从听力对话中的句子做句型转换。本单元围绕询问他人身体状况,那么通过这节课的学习,希望学生能够明白当自己身体不舒适时,有父母的关心,然而现在有许多人饥寒交迫着,我们要学会去关心他人,明白“one for all, all for one”这个道理。 


由于这节课的容量较大,所以我应该在语音语速方面加强,但是整节课又是贴近学生生活实际的,那么在教授单词时应该注意语音语调,读出单词所表达的含义,让学生动起来,调动学生学习的积极性。在Chant部分,学生应该是对What’s the matter? I’m hungry/ thirsty/ tired/ ill.是朗朗上口的,但是发现学生对matter读音还不到位,所以应该加强学生读方面的训练。由于前面的操练不够到位,从而导致了后面学生读对话起来有些困难,所以在教学时应








本单元的主要话题和功能是谈论illnessmaking a phone call,本课story部分以打电话的形式呈现了老师对学生身体健康状况的询问和关系,Yang Ling生病在家并两次与Miss Li通电话。第一个电话是Yang Ling打给Miss Li的,告知老师自己生病了,不能去上学。第二个电话是Miss Li打给Yang Ling的,询问病情。在句型教学方面可以结合学生已有的语言知识4A Unit7 Whats the matter?中的内容进行新旧知识的衔接和整合。在目标词汇的教学中,教师口语借助身体语言,让教学更直观更有趣味。教师可根据实际需要,拓展疾病类词汇,使学生的语言表达更加丰富。


本单元共分Story time, Fun time, Cartoon time, Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time ,Ticking time 个部分。帮助学生通过多种活动和练习掌握illnessmaking a phone call的基本句型,并为学生拓展疾病类词汇,使学生的语言表达更加丰富


1. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:This is speaking.May I speak to ?Im sorry to hear that.How are you? Im fine, thank you.

2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇:cold, fever, headache, cough

3. 锻炼学生的听、说、读的能力。

4. 培养学生关心他人的品质。


1. 能够从整体上阅读理解故事并表演。

2. 能用所学句型打电话并关心他人。


Step 1 Greeting

1. Free talk

Greet in different ways with your teacher.

T: Boy and girls, I know your English is very good. Can you greet with me in   different ways?

S: Hello!/Hi!/Nice to meet you!/How do you do?/How are you?

T: I am fine. How are you?


T: How are you?


T: I am happy to hear that. And today we will learn Unit 8 How Are you? Show and read the title.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Learning time

T: The two students are very fine. What about our friends, Helen and Yang Ling?   Who can ask them?

S: Hello, Helen, how are you?

C: Im fine, thank you.

T: Oh, Im glad to hear that. (新授句子Im glad to hear that.)


T: What about our friend, Yang Ling?

S: Hello, Yang Ling, how are you?

C: Not so good.

T: Im sorry to hear that. (新授句子Im sorry to hear that.)

2. Fill and read

T: Boys and girls, can you fill and read this little rhyme now? You can discuss in pairs first.

S: (Work in pairs and have a try)

T: Great. Lets read together. Yang Ling is ill. She should take care of herself.

    (新授句子Take care.)

Step 3 Story time

1. Look and answer 

T: Look at the picture. Yang Ling is ill. Where is she now?

S: She is at home.

T: What is Yang Ling doing?

S: She is making a telephone call.

2. Watch and answer

T: Yes, she is making a telephone call. Who is Yang Ling calling? Lets watch and answer?

S: (Watch the cartoon together.)

S: Miss Li.

3. Fast reading

T: Nice try. How do they make telephone calls? Please open your books and read the story quickly. Underline the key sentences.

S: (Fast read and underline)

T: Can you share your answers with us?


T: (板书电话用语) Well done. Lets read these sentences together.


T: How many telephone calls do they make?

S: Two.

4. Listen and answer

T: Lets listen to the first telephone call. Try to answer this question. Why does Yang Ling call Miss Li?

S: (Listen to the dialogue on Page 50)

S: Because she cant come to school today.

T: The next day, Miss Li calls Yang Ling. Please listen and think. Why does Miss Li call Yang Ling?

S: (Listen to the dialogue on Page 51)

S: Because

T: Yes. Because she cares for Yang Ling.  (新授care for )

5. Read and say

T: Boys and girls, please read the whole story again. And try to fill in the blanks by yourselves.

S: (Read and fill)

T: Now, lets check. (新授cold, fever)


T: Lets read together.


6. Read and think

T: When Yang Ling is ill, what does Miss Li say?

S: Im sorry to hear that. Take care, Yang Ling.

T: Who can read like Miss Li?


T: Lets try together.

S: (Read together)

T: When Yang Ling is fine, what does Miss Li say?

S: Great, can you come to school tomorrow?

T: Who can read like Miss Li?


T: Lets try together.

S: (Read together)

T: Boys and girls, is Miss Li a good teacher?

S: Yes.

T: Why? Why is she a good teacher?


T: Because she cares for Yang Ling. She cares for her student. Right?

S: Yes.

7. Reading time

(1) Listen and repeat (听录音跟读课文,鼓励学生模仿语音、语调)

(2) Read together (齐读课文)

(3) Read or act in roles (分角色朗读)

Step 4 Consolidation

1. Sum up

T: Boys and girls, I think you can make a telephone call after learning this story.

    Lets check together.


T: Can you talk about illness now?


2. Show time

T: Yang Ling is fine. So she comes to school next day. But Liu Tao is not at school.

    Whats the matter with Liu Tao? After school, Yang Ling is calling Liu Tao. What do they say? Please work in pairs, make a dialogue and act it out.

S: (Work in pairs)

T: Its time to act.

S: (Show their performance)

T: Why does Yang Ling call Liu Tao?

S: Because she cares for Liu Tao.

T: Do you care for your parents, teachers and friends? Lets care for each other. And making a telephone call is a good way. Boys and girls, class is over. You did a good job today.



1. Read after the tape and act out the story.

2. Learn more words about illness.


Blackboard writing:










本单元以打电话询问健康为主题,主要教授电话用语和询问身体状况的表达,运用丰富多彩的新句型进行交流和讨论。内容贴近学生生活,与第七单元内容联系紧密。学生已经学习了有关疾病类的词汇,可以结合学生已有的语言知识,进行衔接整合。英文中打电话的表达比较特别,需要学生特别注意。我设计了一个小小的和学生打电话的活动,学生非常积极,没有一个松懈的,都等着老师和自己打电话。TThis is Miss Yu. May I speak to ? S:This is speaking. 在师生示范打电话后,我让学生小组内互打电话,学生小组活动积极参与。在活动中发现学生向表达你是……吗?但是用错you的,于是我在结束小组活动后补充了新句型Is that ? 学生们对于新句型特别感兴趣。我也教学生口诀:英文电话用语中,我用this,你用that。学生自己能够通过上面的活动自己也能够总结出来,所以掌握没有困难。学习电话用语之后,主要是学Whats the matter?学生对于这个句型掌握较好,关键是matter读音要训练。结合第七单元的疾病做相应的动作,学生装病装得惟妙惟肖。顺势教Im sorry to hear that.并作遗憾状。学生们学得很像,说得也很不错。





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