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2019年09月03日 08:36:50 访问量:1602



9 2   午第 2  3  












5A unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears


5A unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears(story time)







C. 建立家校合作,要求家长密切配合老师做好读书、背诵、默写等任务,切实减轻课堂内的负担。因为什么都放到课堂来解决,到时候学困生会完不成任务,会产生挫败感,摧毁自信。





本单元围绕金发女孩和三只熊的故事的话题,通过故事描述,让学生能够听懂会说句型,并能在实际和生活中自然运用,描述自己不同的状态,如hungry,hard,tired。以及会描述方位如between,in front of等。




1.能够听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:Goldilocks, bear, forest, house, soup, hard, soft, afraid, just right, in front of

2. 能够听懂、会说、会读句型:There is … There are… 并理解句型的意思;

3. 能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语:What a beautiful…! This … is too…


1. 能够从整体上阅读故事并理解故事;

2. 能够语音语调正确地朗读故事、复述故事。



Step 1. Warming up/Revision

1.T: Boys and girls, tell me, what do you like doing at home?  S1: I like…T: Children, do you like reading stories? Ss: Yes. T: Good. Today our class will read a story together.

T: Great! First, Let’s go to a place. Try to guess: what place is it? Ill give you some clues. Now look, its very big and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers. There are some streams. Many wild animals live here. What place is it?   

S1: A forest. 提示学生可以用中文回答。

T: Good. Let me show you a picture of forest.

Teach: forestHave you ever been to a forest?

Ss: No. T: Well, dont be sad. Here I got a video about forest. Do you want to take a look?  Ss: Yes!  T: OK. Lets watch it. After watching, tell me, what can you see in the forest?

1. T: OK. Is the forest beautiful?   Ss: Yes, it is.

T: What can you see in the beautiful forest

S1: I can see a    S2: I can see some

2. T: Good! Look at this picture.  There are many trees in the forest. Lets read the sentence. 全班跟读句型2遍。

T: Now, look, there are in the forest. Who can try?  

S:There are

Step 2. Prestation

1. T: Wow, there is a girl in the forest. Right? Who is this girl? What is her name? Let me tell you. Her name is Goldilocks. (Teach: Goldilocks) What does she see in the forest?  

Ss: She sees a big house. (Teach: house)

T: Yes. Look at Goldilocks.(拿出人物图片)Shes very happy.(贴板书)Because she sees a big house.(贴板书) How does she think about this house? Let’s listen. (音频:What a beautiful house!Is it a nice house?  SsYes.

T: Now, read it together. (指导朗读)

2. T: In the forest, there is a house. Whose house is it? Maybe it's  Can you guess?  S1: Maybe its …’s house. T: OK. Heres a video. After watching, tell me, whose house is it? T: Is the story interesting? Ss: Yes, it is.

T: OK. Answer my question. Question1: Whose house is it?  Ss: Its the three bears house.

T: Right! Its the three bears house. What will happen to Goldilocks and the three bears? Today well read this story. And the name of the story is :(揭题,全班读题目2遍)

1. T: Now please open your books and turn to page6, read the story by yourselves, then, answer my question: What is in the house? 让学生自读故事思考问题。

2. T: Whats in the big house?  

提示学生用There is / are 回答。

3. T: In this big house there are three beds. There are three bears. There are/is 总结学生的答案并引出:And also there is some soup. Follow me: soup. (Teach: soup) 提示学生注意soup是不可数,some soup

T: Goldilocks is in the house. What time is it? Look, theres a clock.  Ss: Its twelve.

T: Yes. Its 12 oclock. Its time for lunch. And how is Goldilocks?  Ss: Shes hungry and thirsty.(贴板书)

T: Whats on the table?  S1: There is some soup.

 1. T: Look at Goldilocks. Guess, which soup does she like? Does she like this soup? (PPT显示三碗汤)

学生逐一回答。T: She doesnt look happy in these two pictures, right? Whats wrong with this soup? Lets listen to her. (音频:This soup is too cold.)

指导学生模仿跟读2遍,重点重复too cold.

T: And whats wrong with this soup? (同法读too hot). And how about this soup? (Teach: just right)

2. Look, boys and girls. I have some soup for you.教师示范表演喝汤的三种感觉。Do you want to be Goldilocks and have a try here? 2-3位学生分别上台模仿表演。

3. T: After eating the soup, Goldilocks is very tired.(贴板书)Whats in the room now?  S1: There are three beds in the room. 指导读2遍。

T: Look at the three beds. Are they the same?  

Ss: No, they aren’t.

T: How is this bed? Listen. 教师敲击讲台。Oh, its very hard. (Teach: hard) What about the second bed? Listen. 播放音频音效。Oh, it is soft. (Teach: soft)  教师拿出熊掌道具 Look, I have a toy bear claw. How is it? 让学生捏一捏试一试并形容:Its soft.

T: OK. Look at the picture, if you were Goldilocks, What would you say?  S1: This bed is too

4. T: Oh, this bed is just right, so Goldilocks will have a sweat dream in this bed, I think. 出音效“Help! Help!How is she now? Is she happy?教师肢体语言提示。 Ss: No.  T: She is afraid now. (Teach: afraid) Why is she afraid? Read the story, then, tell me. 学生自读故事并思考问题。

5. T: Because there are three bears in front of her. (Teach: in front of)  Now, look at me. I am standing in front of you. And youre very happy. But, if there is a tiger or a lion standing in front of you, would you be happy?  Ss: No!  

T: Of course not. You must be afraid.

6. T: What did the bears say?   Ss: Who are you?

T: Goldilocks shouted:   Ss: Help! Help!

1.  1. T: Now Id like you to read the whole story again, and try to put the pictures in the correct order. 指导学生完成书上第8页的排序.

2. 2. PPT出示答案,学生描述每副图片。

3. T: Lets read the short passage together.


1. T: Very good. This time, lets read the story after the computer. 学生跟电脑齐读故事,教师指导朗读。

2. T: OK. This time, you can read in a group. 四人一组自由读。

3. T: Now let’s read it together. Try to remember the story.

Step 3. Consolidation

1. T: Children, do you like this story?  Ss: Yes.

T: Maybe you can tell the story to your parents. This time, try to retell the story. Ill give you some pictures and sentences. You can look at the blackboard too. First, lets try together.

2. Now you can use your own language to retell the story, and also you can say something more. OK? Ill give you some minutes. 四人一组练习。


Blackboard writing:

Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears  ( Story time)


Goldilocks头像   Goldilocks头像    Goldilocks头像   Goldilocks头像


 happy           hungry & thirsty        tired            afraid

a house          three bowls of soup    three beds        three bears




1. 整体感知文本,了解故事大概内容,为文本细读打下基础,提升学生的阅读感悟能力。




2. Story time的教学有章可循,步步为营,重视整体呈现,然后通过细读突破难点,最后通过复述,强化语言输出。但在这个过程中,应该重视there这个单词的教学,学生不容易读准,应该要做好分解示范发音。


张琳:1.教师对重点句型there be用法利用练习及教室物体操练巩固,大部分同学掌握较好。

2. 教师能面向全体学生,激发学生的深层思考和情感投入,鼓励学生大胆质疑、独立思考,引导学生用自己的语言阐明自己的观点和想法。



. Homework

1. Copy the new words.

2. Read and recite the story.

3.  Read more books, watch the cartoons, then, think and write.







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