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2018年10月18日 14:33:20 访问量:1684


           Unit4 I can play basketball (Period1) 老叶小学  杨菲

Teaching contents教学内容:

Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1. 能够理解Story time部分内容,能够模仿朗读。

2. 能掌握单词basketball, football, jump, skate, swim

3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I can.... Can you...? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Can he/she/...? Yes, he /she can. No, he/she can’t.

4. 能理解play basketball very well. Have a try.

5. 能够运用Nice! Cool! Great!赞美词。

6. 培养孩子的运动意识。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:

1.能够理解Story time部分内容,能够模仿朗读。

2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I can.... Can you...? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Can he/she/...? Yes, he /she can. No, he/she can’t.

3. 能理解play basketball very well. Have a try.



Teaching procedures教学过程:

Step1 Warm up

1. Greetings

Hello, boys and girls,. Today we’ll learn Unit4. What is the topic?

2. Free talk

 T: What’s this?

 S: It's a basketball.

 T: Do you have any basketballs?

 S: Yes,I do./ No,I don’t.

 T: Do you like basketballs?

 S: Yes,I do./ No,I don’t.

 T: Do you like games?

 S: Yes,I do./ No,I don’t.

Step 2 Present new words and phrases

1.play a guessing game: All the students: Look at the pictures and act.One studentLook at the students' actions and guess the words.(run,jump,skate,play basketball,play football,swim)

Ss read these new words after T. During this period, T asks Ss “Can you run/jump...?”

(Nice! Cool! Great! Wonderful!等语言来进行表达。)





Step3 Presentation and practice

1.present some pictures about the eighteenth Asian Games

T:Do you like sports?


T: I like sports. Do you know this? It’s the eighteenth Asian Games.China is No.1 in this game, so what sports players do you know?(你知道哪些运动员)and what can they do?


T:Look at this picture, who is he?

S:He is Sun Yang.

T:Can he swim?

S:Yes, he can.

T:and he can swim very well. What about him?Who is he?

S:He is Yao Ming.

T:Can Yao Ming play basketball?

S:Yes,he can.

T:Can Yaoming swim very well?

S:No, he can’t.

story time

T: Now, please tell me who are in the playground

S:Liu Tao, Wang Bing and Mike

T: Can you try to ask any questions?

S:Can Wang Bing play basketball?

Can Mike play basketball?

Can Liu Tao play basketball?

T: let’s watch the cartoon. Who can answer these questions?在回答第二个问题时教学: He can play basketball very well.


T:Can Liu Tao play basketball?Let’s look and read to find this answer.(You try,then you can!)

S:Liu Tao can’t play basketball at first but after a try,he can play basketball.

T:please listen and repeat,pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

 1)Nice,now let’s read in roles, three Ss in one group. Then choose three groups to perform.

 2)three Ss in one group to act the story:Rules :

    ①.Act 2 pictures, you can get one star. ②.Act 3 pictures, you can get two stars     ③.Act 4 pictures, you can get three stars. (You try,then you can!)

Step 4 Consolidate and summary

Do a survey

T: Autumn sports meeting is coming. Do you want to join it?What can you do?

  Let’s do a survey: what can your classmates do? 

S1: Hello, ....Can you...?  

S2: No, I can’t.

S1: What can you do?   

S2: I can...

S1: Nice!/ Cool! /Great! /Wonderful

T: Can he/she...?     S: Yes, he/she can. /No, he/she can’t.

Ticking time

1). Can you read or act the story?

2). Can you use “Can you...? ”to ask questions?

3). Can you use “Yes, I can./No, I can’t.” to answer the questions?

How many stars can you get?


Step4 Homework

1.Read correctly and act the dialogue with your partners .

2.Preview Fun time and Cartoon time.

Blackboard design板书设计:

Unit 4 I can play basketball  

A: Can you ...?          jump/skate/play basketball/football

B: Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.   can’t=cannot      

A: Have a try.


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